Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) Real-time federated search for OER content - George Mason University

The Mason OER Metafinder helps you find Open Educational Resources.  Unlike other OER discovery sites (e.g, OER Commons, OASIS, MERLOT, OpenStax, etc.) with our Metafinder you aren’t searching a static database that we’ve built.  Instead, the OER Metafinder launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 22 different sources of open educational materials as you hit the Search button. Because it is a real-time, federated search, it can take a bit longer than searches of pre-indexed, curated content; however, as compensation the results returned are absolutely up-to-the-minute for each search target.  Additional results will continue to trickle in as the search continues running and you begin examining your results.