Friday, December 9, 2022

A Year-long Institute and New Grant Grow Digital Offerings - Kristine Yahna Todaro, Muhlenberg

With an emphasis on student co-creators, Muhlenberg’s Open Educational Resources program receives recognition and new opportunities. Muhlenberg was one of 66 institutions selected for the program. Working in collaboration with an AAC&U mentor, the team was able to advance its efforts to support the creation and adoption of free and affordable instructional materials for more students at the College. The 12-month program concluded with a capstone event in July. Muhlenberg is particularly focused on engaging students as OER co-creators. They research, write, revise and then peer-review each other's chapters, which are then collected and published in a digital textbook. Their coauthored OER then becomes the text for students in future semesters of the course.