Monday, June 20, 2022

Over $3.25 million in NSERC grants for two unique University of Ottawa projects - University of Ottawa

Alarcon and Flynn received a $1.62 million grant for their project Program and INterdisciplinary Training in BIOmedical TECHnologies (INTBIOTECH). Driven by a collaboration with UdeM and ETS, and several private partners, this bilingual program is based on interdisciplinary creation of new biomedical materials. It’s inspired by leading-edge graduate studies pedagogical practice, to offer comprehensive training with EDI, cross-cutting skills and resilience featured prominently. In addition to being taught by internationally-known scientists, students enrolled in the program will benefit from public and private sector internships and exchanges, in Canada and abroad. They will look at entrepreneurship, bioethics, intellectual property and regulatory standards, including risk assessment. Training material produced as part of this project will also be published as open educational resources.