Jingxian Wu, professor of electrical engineering, will discuss his experience creating and using OER in his upper-division course, Signals and Systems. Wu created lecture notes, a homework manual and a lab manual. His OER replaced a $120 textbook, and he teaches about 70 students a year. Russell Sharman, assistant professor of practice in communication, teaches a 1000-level film course. He created an open textbook to replace the $90 textbook he previously assigned to the 400-plus students he teaches every semester. He will discuss why he decided to create the textbook, his experiences completing the work and feedback he received from both students in his course and faculty at other institutions. Claretha Hughes, professor of human resources and workforce development, will discuss the creation of her case studies text. Created to supplement the academic journal articles she regularly assigns in the graduate courses she teaches, this collection of mini-cases can be utilized in various HRWD courses.