Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Colleges jointly host regional OER forum - Stacey Holler, Garrett County Republican

Dr. M.J. Bishop challenged participants in Friday’s Maryland Open Source Textbook Regional Open Educational Resources Forum to break from past educational tendencies.“This is where the rubber hits the road,” Bishop told conference attendees Friday morning at Garrett College. “I encourage you to avoid the temptation to take a new tool and simply replicate what we’ve done in the past.” Twelve institutions of higher education participated in the forum, which centered on how OERs — online course materials that can eliminate or dramatically reduce textbook costs — can change the face of postsecondary education. https://www.wvnews.com/garrettrepublican/community/colleges-jointly-host-regional-oer-forum/article_1630269e-1d39-59c0-884b-33c136ba9e3e.html