Wednesday, April 10, 2019
“Best professor” as voted by students addresses financial struggles - STEPHEN MURNANE, THE DAILY EVERGREEN
Carrie Cuttler, assistant professor of psychology, shares her care for reducing the cost of her classes through the use of cheap or free materials on March 21 at Johnson Tower. WSU psychology professor Carrie Cuttler has a passion for lecturing and supportive teaching philosophy. Cuttler was voted best professor for the 2019 Student Choice Awards by students. “My teaching philosophy is to try and be really compassionate and understanding of my students’ struggles,” Cuttler said. “Particularly their financial struggles and the high levels of stress that many of them face.” She offers Open Educational Resources (OER) in her course. Psych 333 is zero cost through the help from learning grants that gave Cuttler the ability to create and edit open textbooks for her students.