Thursday, August 2, 2018
Boosting high-energy physics education around the world with ATLAS Open Data - Arturo Sánchez Pineda, ATLAS CERN
Since the beginning of ATLAS, collaboration members have devoted hours, days, weeks and months teaching High Energy Physics (HEP) to anyone willing to listen. But sometimes those willing to listen do not have the means, especially when oceans and continents separate them from our experiment in Geneva. How can we overcome these geographical distances to allow anyone interested in HEP to learn? I work on the ATLAS Open Data project, which has created a means for anyone, anywhere to learn about and work with HEP data. This project delivers data recorded by the ATLAS experiment, together with useful simulated data. Along with these datasets, we released several educational resources, documentation and support, plus analysis software that relies on other very well-known Open Source projects like ROOT at CERN.