Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hancock College announces $40K textbook purchase, launches Zero Textbook Cost program - Mathew Burciaga, Central Coast News

Hancock College administrators promised Wednesday that the price of instructional materials will no longer be a financial barrier to student success, pledging to ease the burden imposed by the inaccessibility and rising cost of textbooks. Speaking during a press conference at the campus library, college officials announced the purchase of $40,000 in textbooks — about 250 required textbooks for spring semester classes — for the Santa Maria and Lompoc Valley campus libraries. http://lompocrecord.com/news/local/education/hancock-college-announces-k-textbook-purchase-launches-zero-textbook-cost/article_068da2f6-e717-57f3-a061-f71bc89d71cf.html